“Tiếng nói Xanh” (Talk Green Future) is a public speaking and debate competition, where young individuals are encouraged to showcase their intellectual and creative abilities. The competition aims to foster positive changes by promoting a green lifestyle and a sustainable future for all.
Quickly join us in raising your voice for a greener future!
The Advisory Board aids in formulating standardized regulations, competition format, and the criteria for marking and awards throughout the competition. The Advisory Board comprises esteemed leaders and experts in the fields of education, sustainable development, engineering, and socioeconomics.
The Technical Board is an independent entity comprised of distinguished professionals, globally renowned for their accomplishments and contributions to the fields of environment, sustainable development, education, and debate. The Technical Board is bifurcated into two distinct working groups: Content and Debate.
The Jury Board operates as an independent working group responsible for evaluating and grading participants based on the established marking criteria at each competition stage. Different panels of judges will be set up by the Organizing Committee for every round.
Throughout the competition, the judges for each round may seek consultation from the Technical Board before confirming the results.
Techno Park Office Building, Vinhomes Ocean Park, Da Ton, Gia Lam District, Hanoi
[email protected]
+84 338 889 639,
+84 938 889 639